Grosgrain Fabulous Dress

Photos- Grosgrain Fabulous
From time to time I like to peruse the wesbites and etsy stores of talented designers and seamstresses for inspiration. Not that I have gotten my sewing machine out in a while. But, I fully intend to start a project... soon. Until then, I love to look at what other people have created. One of my favorite places to go is Grosgrain Fabulous. Kathleen makes the loveliest dresses for her and frocks for her girls. I also love the way she repurposes clothing . But, when I saw this dress everything stopped. That. Dress. Is. Me. I must have it. Must Must Must. I think it looks like the perfect blend of ModCloth, Shabby Apple, Anthropolgie, and Boden. Love it. Great job once again, Kathleen. I am inspired!

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